Audience Research

Today we made a questionnaire which will help us find out more information about what people like in their local newspapers. We created this as a group, and will hand it out to around 5 people each.

Questionnaire (circle your answers)

Are you male or female?
male female

What is your age?
Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+

Which local newspapers do you buy?

How often do you buy your local newspaper?
daily weekly monthly occasionally

Does anyone else in the household read the newspaper apart from you? If so, list age and gender
yes ______________________________________________ No

What articles appeal to you?
sport human interest local politics entertainment local events other_____________

How important is it to you that the newspaper has good photos?
very not very doesn’t matter to me

Do you like your newspaper to have a political stance, or do you prefer it to be neutral?
political stance neutral

What are your best and worst points about the local newspaper that you read?
best ________________________________________________________