Audience Research Feedback

I have received the feedback for my questionnaire that I handed out to 30 people. I got quite similar responses from the majority of people, so that is quite helpful

Questionnaire (the answers in bold are the amount of answers I received)

Are you male or female?
male - 18
female - 12

What is your age?
Under 18 - 6
18-25 - 1
26-35 - 6
36-45 - 8
46-55 - 9
56+ - 0

Which local newspapers do you buy?
The Harrogate Advertiser - 30
The Knaresborough Post - 2
The Ripon Gazette - 1
The Yorkshire Post - 10

The reason there were more answers than people asked in the above question is because people tended to buy more than one local newspaper

How often do you buy your local newspaper?
daily - 0
weekly - 28
monthly - 0
occasionally - 2

Does anyone else in the household read the newspaper apart from you?
If so, list age and gender
All answers for this was yes, and most of the answers tended to be 45+, with a good mix of male and female

What articles appeal to you? (tick all that apply)
sport - 18
human interest - 21
local politics - 10
entertainment - 26
local events - 29
other_____________ - 23

How important is it to you that the newspaper has good photos?
very - 26
not very - 3
doesn’t matter to me - 1

Do you like your newspaper to have a political stance, or do you prefer it to be neutral?
political stance - 4
neutral - 26

What are your best and worst points about the local newspaper that you read?
best - These answers tended to be based around the fact that their newspaper didn't have a political stance, and that they included events from places just outside their local area
worst - I received a lot of answers claiming that their local newspaper didn't focus on schools enough