Images on the front page

These are all pictures that are included on the front page. Every single one of them was taken and edited by myself. All editing was done on Adobe Photoshop Elements.








This is the image for the main article about the Victorian terrace houses.
 I have not edited this image as I did not feel that it needed it







This is an image that I took of flowers, so that it could be an inside story for the front page, which would be about a flower show.
The only editing I did to this was enhancing the colours, the brightness and the contrast.

This is for another story that is inside the newspaper, with the headline "Liz Riley comes to H.I.C.


This is for an inside story with the headline "Family Reunited"


Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Harrogate Grammar trip to York Minster"

Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Dog saved from fire"
Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Kboro photo exhibition"




This picture is for the article about Car Free Day in Harrogate