Technological Devices Used

Throughout the whole process of creating a newspaper, newspaper website and newspaper website, I have used the following programmes and websites:

  • Google
        - This website is used to research other newspapers, find images etc.
  • Weebly
        - I initially used this website to create my newspaper website, but found it too confusing to use
  • Photoshop Elements 3.0
        - I use this programme to edit my images
  • Microsoft Publisher
        - This programme was used to create and edit my newspaper
  • Microsoft Word
        - I am constantly using this programme for many different reasons; to write down notes on newspapers, websites etc, or to edit my 'footer' images for my website (e.g. 'Competitions', 'Reader Panel' etc)
  • Paint
        - I used this programme for print screen images, editing and cropping images.
  • Blogspot
        - This is the website used for my blog
  • Microsoft Office Live Small Business
        - The is the website I am using for my newspaper website