Newspaper website conventions

I am now to produce a website for my newspaper. To help with research and to find generic conventions of a local newspaper website, I have looked at other webites and listed to generic conventions I found;

  • Advertisements
  • Links/hyperlinks
  • List of articles within the newspaper of that week
  • House style
  • Ability to interact with the newspaper, with forums
  • Time and date
  • Scrolling text e.g. current daily news
  • Weather in the local area
  • Links to specific article areas e.g. sport
  • Search boxes
  • Pictures included with articles
  • 'Sign in' and 'Register' options
The websites I looked at were:
Newcastle journal
North Wales Weekly News
Harrogate Advertiser

I was originally also going to look at my other local newspaper websites such as Knaresborough Post, Ripon Gazette and Yorkshire Post, but as all of these are produced by the same publicator, Ackrill Media Group, they all look relatively similar, so therefore they wouldn't be ideal to look at generic conventions, so I widened my search.