Newspaper website

I have decided that I will use Microsoft Office Live as the host of my website for the newspaper. I created sites with Google Sites and Weebly, but these proved to be too simplistic-looking for what I would like. My newspaper website domain is :

Before I actually created the website, I made fake adverts for the website to make it seem more authentic;

I created this in Microsoft Word by creating a heart shape with the 'Shapes' tool, then including text into it, then I retrieved an image from Clip Art on Microsoft Word and placed it next to the heart, then created a fake website name.

This was created in a similar way by first of all using the Shapes tool on Microsoft word, then adding Word Art and text, then including Clip Art from Microsoft Word.

I created this image by first of all taking an image of a newspaper (it wasn't local, but because I was not focusing on the actual content of the newspaper because it was just a background I didn't think it should matter) then cropping it and putting a border round it. Then, for the 'More' button i used the Shapes tool on Microsoft Word and made a rectangle then included an arrow from Clip Art and added text to it. Finally, I added Word Art on top of the image.

A few of these 'advert's were inspired by images that are already on the Harrogate Advertisers website: