Technological Devices Used

Throughout the whole process of creating a newspaper, newspaper website and newspaper website, I have used the following programmes and websites:

  • Google
        - This website is used to research other newspapers, find images etc.
  • Weebly
        - I initially used this website to create my newspaper website, but found it too confusing to use
  • Photoshop Elements 3.0
        - I use this programme to edit my images
  • Microsoft Publisher
        - This programme was used to create and edit my newspaper
  • Microsoft Word
        - I am constantly using this programme for many different reasons; to write down notes on newspapers, websites etc, or to edit my 'footer' images for my website (e.g. 'Competitions', 'Reader Panel' etc)
  • Paint
        - I used this programme for print screen images, editing and cropping images.
  • Blogspot
        - This is the website used for my blog
  • Microsoft Office Live Small Business
        - The is the website I am using for my newspaper website

Photo contact pages and manipulation for my poster

For my poster, I am using my own original images. I am going to crop them on Microsoft Word so that I can get a better idea of whether they are the same size.

Here is my contact page of images:

To make the images stand out a bit more I edited them on Photoshop Elements 3.0. I didn't edit them extensively because I just want a natural look to them.

Poster layout

This is my inital poster layout. My aim was to appeal to the audience by focusing on the price. As of yet these are not my own pictures (apart from the image of the newspaper), as I will insert some later.

Research for Newspaper Posters

For the newspaper poster/advert I am going to make, I have been reasearching national newspapers adverts. The ones I have found so far are:

Generic conventions:
-1 Main image
-Not a lot of text
-Involves the newspapers website
-Tells you what is unique about the newspaper
-'Value for money' is a technique used to sell the paper
-General tone is serious
-Pronouns to involve the audience
-Name of the newspaper
-Isn't gender or age specific

Something that I've found is that there is a basic formula needed when it comes to advertising, as the whole point is for your product to get noticed, and if it looks similar to everything else then it blends in and goes unnoticed, which completely defeats the point. It is also best if the poster is non gender-specific, doesn't include people and isn't age specific.

Newspaper website

I have decided that I will use Microsoft Office Live as the host of my website for the newspaper. I created sites with Google Sites and Weebly, but these proved to be too simplistic-looking for what I would like. My newspaper website domain is :

Before I actually created the website, I made fake adverts for the website to make it seem more authentic;

I created this in Microsoft Word by creating a heart shape with the 'Shapes' tool, then including text into it, then I retrieved an image from Clip Art on Microsoft Word and placed it next to the heart, then created a fake website name.

This was created in a similar way by first of all using the Shapes tool on Microsoft word, then adding Word Art and text, then including Clip Art from Microsoft Word.

I created this image by first of all taking an image of a newspaper (it wasn't local, but because I was not focusing on the actual content of the newspaper because it was just a background I didn't think it should matter) then cropping it and putting a border round it. Then, for the 'More' button i used the Shapes tool on Microsoft Word and made a rectangle then included an arrow from Clip Art and added text to it. Finally, I added Word Art on top of the image.

A few of these 'advert's were inspired by images that are already on the Harrogate Advertisers website:

Comparison of newspaper and web page

  • The Main story is reproduced exactly as the newspaper but it includes an opportunity to comment on the article.
  • On the web page there is a feature about a horror film that isn't included in the newspaper.
  • In the web page, there is an update on a previous article which wrote about preparations for a rugby match, which was included in the newspaper. The updated article is about the outcome of the match.
  • There is a repetition of what's on at the cinema during the week.
  • On the web page there is obviously more detail about the newspaper, and there are archives of older articles.
  • Theres a whole block of interactive features which let you either express your viewpoint on a topical issue or vote for an award or entering competitions.
  • The main articles on the website change regularly, unlike the newspaper which cannot be changed
Cohesive devices of the Harrogate Advertiser newspaper and website
  • The first cohesive device that you notice when going onto the Harrogate advertiser website is that the font and colour schemes follow the same rules as the paper.
  • The articles shown on the homepage of the Harrogate Advertiser web page are generally the same as in the newspaper
  • There is also a hyperlink to an article with the heading "Harrogate News", to further confirm that it is local.

website for the Harrogate Advertiser -

Newspaper website conventions

I am now to produce a website for my newspaper. To help with research and to find generic conventions of a local newspaper website, I have looked at other webites and listed to generic conventions I found;

  • Advertisements
  • Links/hyperlinks
  • List of articles within the newspaper of that week
  • House style
  • Ability to interact with the newspaper, with forums
  • Time and date
  • Scrolling text e.g. current daily news
  • Weather in the local area
  • Links to specific article areas e.g. sport
  • Search boxes
  • Pictures included with articles
  • 'Sign in' and 'Register' options
The websites I looked at were:
Newcastle journal
North Wales Weekly News
Harrogate Advertiser

I was originally also going to look at my other local newspaper websites such as Knaresborough Post, Ripon Gazette and Yorkshire Post, but as all of these are produced by the same publicator, Ackrill Media Group, they all look relatively similar, so therefore they wouldn't be ideal to look at generic conventions, so I widened my search.

Table of articles

This is a table of all my articles within the front page and second page, who the article is aimed at, whether it has a photo, and what the news value(s) is.

Contacts pages for proof that I took my own photos

The reason I chose this picture over all of the others is because the middle part was in focus, so I cropped it so that the focus was mainly on that.

The reason I chose this image is because it is a close-up, and she looks happy.

I chose this image for the stationary shop advert because I think pencils represent stationary well, and it was the best composition of the set.

I chose this image for the advert of the cupcake shop because the composition was the best out of the rest of the pictures

I chose these three photos because they had the best compositin, weren't blured, and had the best light

This photo was chosen because it was the only one that wasn't blurred

I chose this photo because people were doing the best poses in it

This photo was chosen because I thought it represented Knaresborough well

The reason I chose this picture for the advert is because the advert in question was about selling a house, and this image includes all of the house.

The Finished Product

Audience feedback for front page:
Holly Bellerby - "Though the general look of the front page is good, there are just a few too many white spaces on the page, and the advert might be too big. On the plus side, the quality of pictures and articles are very high."
Aneysha Wakelin - "I think this front page is fantastic and the articles really give it a local feel. One criticism I would have though would be that the main pictures have no people in them, which you usually find in local newspapers."

Audience feedback for second page:
Erica Hodgson - "This is professional looking, and the only criticism I would give is that there are no people in the pictures"
Tiffany Jackson - "I think this is good, as the layout is similar to that of a proper local newspaper, and the adverts look great."

Articles on the second page

Harrogate Grammar Reveals new £300,000 extension
THIS week, Harrogate Grammar schools canteen extension was finally finished. Building work went on for around 4 months, with most of the work being done during the schools' summer holiday.
The extension, named ’The Hub’, was created to make room for the ever-expanding number of students taking school lunches, as well as the increase in the school population. It provides an additional seating space for another 200 students, and will hopefully reduce the queues within school. The unusual name of The Hub was given because everyone is hoping it will become the heart of the school.
Mr Steven Howell, the schools business manager, said “We’re all really pleased with how The Hub has turned out; it means that not only will it reduce queues at lunchtime, but also it is a new place for sixth formers to work quietly in, as well as providing a larger amount of room for staff meetings.”
As well as this, year 10 students expressed delight at the schools new facility saying that it will definitely encourage them to use the schools meal service as it makes eating a much more pleasurable and sociable experience.
Head teacher Mr Richard Sheriff, had this to say “The students at Harrogate Grammar are very privileged to have this facility available to them, and this is just the start of expansion work at the school. Contractors are due to begin work in a week’s time on an extension to the sixth form block.” So far, profits at the canteen are significantly up as students have reacted very positively to the new facility.

Comedy festival begins
LAST Monday saw the first Harrogate Comedy Festival kick off with John Bishop starting the entertainment at the Harrogate Theatre. Bishop, 42, treated the audience to a hilarious night of comedy taken from his award-nominated Edinburgh Fringe show. His performance at Harrogate marked the start of a whirlwind 70-date tour . The show started off with Bishop getting to know the crowd through light hearted exchanges with the braver members of the audience, and Bishop himself finding out about Knaresborough ‘crag rats’. With a slightly free formed first half, what followed was a more structured – but equally as funny – second half, when Bishop laid bare all of his worries about middle-aged life such as when its wrong to still be wearing white trainers, his sons not liking him, and finally reaching the age when Elvis died. What many found about John Bishop is his fantastic ability to talk to people of all ages, as the audience was a huge mixture of different ages, ranging from 17-70! There wasn’t a dull moment during his routine, the audience was left howling with laughter, and the Gazette wishes Bishop the best of luck with his comedy career.

Race For Life donations
ORGANISERS from the Race For Life events are still asking for donations to be sent through, so that Harrogate’s £150,000 target. Around 70% of people have sent their completed forms in.

Second Car Flips
YET another car has flipped over onto its side after leaving Waitrose Car Park this month. The family, who were in a Vauxhall Zafira, hit the bollard outside Waitrose and proceeded to flip over. This is a repeat of an incident which happened on the 8th September involving a Renault Clio. Luckily in both cases, the drivers were unharmed.

Harrogate's fat cats
IN a recent survey, it was found that Harrogate has Yorkshires biggest population of overweight cats. The survey found out that out of the 70% of Harrogate citizens who own cats, around 65% ofthose are too overweight to be considered healthy. This is incredibly worrying for pet owners, as the risk of a cat developing health problems such as diabetes and cancer is increased. The cost implications of this are dire because (besides the extra food costs!) as we all know, vets fees are on the up. Aneysha Wakelin, 34, told the Gazette “I’m really worried about this, my cat Sooty is three times the weight he should be, and I simply can’t afford to go to the vets to get him checked up on all the time”.
Experts simply cannot understand why it is Harrogate that is the worst offender, but vet Fiona Reaney had this advice to share; “If you find your cat is overweight, try putting them on a dry food diet – as this is much better for them – and make sure you don’t give them more food than they actually need". If residents of Harrogate listen to this advice, hopefully we should see a vast improvement to our cats.

Layout changes to second page

Images on the second page

These pictures are all for the same story about the schools new canteen extension
This image accompanies the article headlined "Harrogate's fat cats"
(I am not including images from the adverts)

Images on the front page

These are all pictures that are included on the front page. Every single one of them was taken and edited by myself. All editing was done on Adobe Photoshop Elements.








This is the image for the main article about the Victorian terrace houses.
 I have not edited this image as I did not feel that it needed it







This is an image that I took of flowers, so that it could be an inside story for the front page, which would be about a flower show.
The only editing I did to this was enhancing the colours, the brightness and the contrast.

This is for another story that is inside the newspaper, with the headline "Liz Riley comes to H.I.C.


This is for an inside story with the headline "Family Reunited"


Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Harrogate Grammar trip to York Minster"

Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Dog saved from fire"
Again, this is for an inside story with the headline "Kboro photo exhibition"




This picture is for the article about Car Free Day in Harrogate

Articles on the front page

Work ready for Victorian eyesore (main headline)
WORK can finally begin on the abandoned Victorian terraces on the corner of Boroughbridge Road and the High Street in Knaresborough. The building work will begin on the 16th October 2009, and the development is expected to be completed by summer 2011.
Steven Peach, 48, is the leading architect of this exciting project. The row of 6 houses will be demolished and then rebuilt, keeping as many of the original features as possible, whilst incorporating modern amenities and energy-saving devices.
The private, gated development will be named Bond End Gardens, with the front gardens possibly moving back half a metre so that there is more room for pedestrians on the pavement.
This project follows in the wake of other restoration schemes around Knaresborough, designed to help maintain the town’s historic appeal.

  • I have edited this article by shortening it quite considerably and only stating the very basic facts about it because otherwise it would not have fitted into the box in the newspaper

Town excited for new River Island store
HARROGATE will certainly be looking more fashionable soon, when the new River Island stores plans to open at Cambridge Street on October 17th, with regular opening times applying.
Rumours have been adrift for months after the closure of Sports Direct and Original Shoe, and refurbishment has been quick, as it started only months ago. Though some are concerned about the recession, and opening a new retail store at this time, this is sure to encourage shoppers to come into town and try and boost the economy, and provide up to around 30 people with employment.
The new shop might even be a boost for Harrogate shopping, as Elizabeth Riley told the Harrogate Gazette “I’ve always had to go to York or Leeds to shop at River Island, and this will encourage me to stay in Harrogate, I’m really excited about it!”

This article actually needed lengthening as initially it was incredibly short, so I added a quite and the link at the end.

    Climbing wall plans step forward
    A Harrogate Borough Council meeting on 22nd September spoke in favour of plans for a Climbing Wall situated at Hornbeam Park Avenue. The climbing wall would be a significant improvement for Harrogate, as it would make use of Valley House, as well as creating up to 30 full time and part time jobs. The indoor climbing wall would also include a play area, café and shop that will only be available to use if the facilities are in use by a paying customer.

    • I didn't need to change anything to this article

    Car Free Day?
    22ND September saw Harrogate and Knaresborough’s second annual Car Free Day. Though last year was a great success, but unfortunately this time around it was a completely different story.
    Though free bus travel was available and it as possible to hire bikes for free all day, it seemed that simply not enough people were aware of this, as many are saying that this year the Car Free Day was not hyped enough. Erica Hodgson, 17, told the Harrogate Gazette, “I was only aware that it was even Car Free Day when I was driving down Knaresborough road on the actual day and saw a banner advertising it. I was also in traffic at the time.”
    It seems that Knaresborough Road wasn’t the only one unaffected by the day, as Holly Bellerby, 34, claimed “on Otley Road, it was terrible! If anything, the traffic was worse than any other day.”

    • This article was shortened greatly, as it was almost 5 paragraphs long at first, and therefore not many other articles could fit onto the newspaper.

    Recession business boom
    CAROLINE Peach, owner of hairdressing salon Moo Hair in Harrogate, is at least one success story to come from the recession we find ourselves in.
    Caroline, mother of 3, said that her business has been ‘better than ever’ and is thinking that ‘during these times, I’ve noticed that people are tending to support their smaller local businesses rather than the chain stores because they don’t want them to close. I never expected to be this busy when I opened last year because of the economic climate, but as of yet there have been no problems whatsoever!’
    Caroline is expecting business to be booming even more, after recently employing Ruth Madden, 25.

    • This article was very quickly added because after shortening the previous article, there was a bit of space left on the newspaper so I added this in. This article did not need editing. 

    Mission Statement

    Name: The Harrogate Gazette
    Price: 75p
    Slogan: Yorkshires Most Exciting Town
    News Values: Economic, Human, Proximity, Social, Political
    Audience: Everyone

    I plan to include other areas around Harrogate in this newspaper, so as to broaden the audience. I will try and get a lot of photos included, because people tend to only look at the photos, and buy newspapers for their photographs.

    Harrogate Advertiser Notes

    I have made notes on the Harrogate Advertiser for the 4th September. This is to help me figure out what I should include in my local newspaper, and how many articles I should roughly have.

    Local newspaper research

    Harrogate Advertiser, Friday 4th September 2009
    Amount of stories on 1st page: 5
    Amount of stories on 2nd page: 10

    1st Page – 5 articles
    · Gridlock: the six biggest bottlenecks
    o 6 images
    · Angry Town chief fires rugby club warning
    o 2 images
    · ‘Sickening’ images doctor struck-off
    · Volunteer Oscars search for unsung heroes
    · Are you doing the Great North Run? If so, you should tell us about it – or send us your photographs
    The front page has a total of 15 images, not including the advert at the bottom of the page.
    The main article is relatively small, made up mostly of pictures.
    On the right of the page there is an index section, featuring 5 major articles.
    There are 2 mini-articles asking for people to volunteer people for the Volunteer Oscars, and asking if people are doing the Great North Run.

    2nd Page – 10 articles
    · Happy couple who just can’t stop dancing
    o 2 images
    · St Peter’s is blessed with support for £2m facelift
    o 1 image
    · Trampled by cow as she walked her dog
    · Is this your stash of jewellery, ask police
    o 1 image
    · Residents forced to move out after house collapse
    o 1 image
    · Woman faces charges
    · £6m trade boost for HIC
    · Show guest is a cut above
    · Vandals’ milk attack on Audi
    · Wherefore art thou Romeo?
    The second page only really has 3 major articles, with 7 mini-articles and an advert. Only one of the mini-articles has a photo.
    All of the images have a box round it if it is a square image.
    There is another index section running across the top of the page, telling of the different sections of the newspaper.

    Audience Research Feedback

    I have received the feedback for my questionnaire that I handed out to 30 people. I got quite similar responses from the majority of people, so that is quite helpful

    Questionnaire (the answers in bold are the amount of answers I received)

    Are you male or female?
    male - 18
    female - 12

    What is your age?
    Under 18 - 6
    18-25 - 1
    26-35 - 6
    36-45 - 8
    46-55 - 9
    56+ - 0

    Which local newspapers do you buy?
    The Harrogate Advertiser - 30
    The Knaresborough Post - 2
    The Ripon Gazette - 1
    The Yorkshire Post - 10

    The reason there were more answers than people asked in the above question is because people tended to buy more than one local newspaper

    How often do you buy your local newspaper?
    daily - 0
    weekly - 28
    monthly - 0
    occasionally - 2

    Does anyone else in the household read the newspaper apart from you?
    If so, list age and gender
    All answers for this was yes, and most of the answers tended to be 45+, with a good mix of male and female

    What articles appeal to you? (tick all that apply)
    sport - 18
    human interest - 21
    local politics - 10
    entertainment - 26
    local events - 29
    other_____________ - 23

    How important is it to you that the newspaper has good photos?
    very - 26
    not very - 3
    doesn’t matter to me - 1

    Do you like your newspaper to have a political stance, or do you prefer it to be neutral?
    political stance - 4
    neutral - 26

    What are your best and worst points about the local newspaper that you read?
    best - These answers tended to be based around the fact that their newspaper didn't have a political stance, and that they included events from places just outside their local area
    worst - I received a lot of answers claiming that their local newspaper didn't focus on schools enough

    Newspaper draft layout

    I created a draft newspaper so that I could figure out the layout that I am going to use for the newspaper:

    Website references

    Harrogate Advertiser articles

    These are the main stories which have been in the Harrogate Advertiser in the past few weeks. This is helpful for me because then I know what kind of articles to include in my own newspaper.

    Hard News
    "£1.3m refurb for Police station"
    "North Yorkshire Country Council election results"

    "Harrogate hairstylist wins Vogue shoot"
    "Talented youths make their debut at Aldborough"
    "Dame Helen to star in Odeon Harrogate link-up"

    Human Interest
    "Ex-Ashville Head dies"
    "Fire at BCB near Tockwith"
    "Swine-flu causes closure of Ripon School"
    "St. Aidan's dinners are the best"
    "Harrogate man and dog in 104ft plunge"

    "Harrogate clinch moral-boosting win" (cricket)
    "Weaver's revolution begins as Town signs five new players" (football)
    "Harrogate suffer Yorkshire League defeat" (cricket)

    Audience Research

    Today we made a questionnaire which will help us find out more information about what people like in their local newspapers. We created this as a group, and will hand it out to around 5 people each.

    Questionnaire (circle your answers)

    Are you male or female?
    male female

    What is your age?
    Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+

    Which local newspapers do you buy?

    How often do you buy your local newspaper?
    daily weekly monthly occasionally

    Does anyone else in the household read the newspaper apart from you? If so, list age and gender
    yes ______________________________________________ No

    What articles appeal to you?
    sport human interest local politics entertainment local events other_____________

    How important is it to you that the newspaper has good photos?
    very not very doesn’t matter to me

    Do you like your newspaper to have a political stance, or do you prefer it to be neutral?
    political stance neutral

    What are your best and worst points about the local newspaper that you read?
    best ________________________________________________________

    Newspaper Research

    Today I researched information about two local newspapers:

    Harrogate Advertiser
    The newspaper was founded in 1836 and is distributed mainly in the Harrogate area, but it is widely read in other areas such as Ripon, Knaresborough, Wetherby, Pately Bridge and Leeds. It comes out every Friday, costing 88p, and is one of the leading titles in a series of 6 local newspapers in the North Yorkshire area. It is published by the Ackrill Media Group.
    Total circulation: 29637

    Ripon Gazette
    It was founded in 1889, and it's full titles is Ripon Gazette & Boroughbridge Herald, although most people just call it Ripon Gazette. It comes out every Friday and aswell as the Harrogate Advertiser, costs 88p, and is published by the Akcrill Media Group. Its sister newspapers in the Johnston Press network of websites are the Harrogate Advertiser and the Northallerton Times.
    (was unable to find circulation figures)
    Yorkshire Post
    This newspaper is the oldest paper in Yorkshire, and the most well-known. When it first started in 1754, it was called Leedes Intelligencer. It is distributed throughout the whole of traditional Yorkshire. It is known as one of the weightiest daily local newspapers ever since the Manchester Guardian graduated to a national level in 1959. Even though local/regional newspapers are supposed to have a neutral pollitical stance, the Yorkshire Post is conservative.
    Total circulation: 45718

    A Level Practical Production for Media Studies

    I have created this blog for my practical production of a newspaper. In this blog, I will update it as I progress with the course.